The world opens up when you realise that you have the inherent ability to uplift your mindset to propel you in whatever direction you choose

Meet your Uplifting Life Coach
Meet your Uplifting Life Coach

Helping people be the best possible versions of themselves is magic! My biggest hope for each client is that I'm no longer needed; in their shift is my joy! I feel immensely privileged to work with each person I coach.

What Uplifting clients say
What Uplifting clients say

When you are ready to make the shift from stuck to empowered, I’m here holding a space of “I've got your back.”

Uplifting others is what I’m on the planet for; seeing people shift from worry and concern to new perspectives and potentiality is exciting.

Book a Free Strategy Call
Book a Free Strategy Call

Marge once told me that her goal is to raise my vibration, and she 100% succeeds every time. I would start talking to Marge about things that are concerning me and things I would like to work on in my life, feeling low, and after only an hour of talking with her I feel so excited about life, getting out in to the world and achieving my goals.  She has told me many key points that I think back to almost every day, things that help me move forward, and feel good about myself. I am so so grateful to have met Marge and I truly appreciate her authenticity.


Marge has been an incredible mentor and guide to me and has shown me not only how to become a more positive person but also how to use it. I have discovered how much life has to offer and how much I have to offer in return. Thank you so much!
